Friday, September 10, 2010

First Day

Welcome to my first Blog ever! I am hoping this new adventure will help complete my journey to a more healthy and happy person. My goal is to loose around 60lbs. I am a mother of 2 beautiful children, a wife, a sister, a daughter and friend. With all these titles I find it extremely hard to find time for myself and take care of myself. I read all about how important it is to take care of me and that I'll be a better mom and wife. But hey, who really has time to do all that... I'm too busy being a mom and wife. LOL!!!
I started back on weight watchers again. It was so successful to me in the  past that I hoping this time will be the same outcome. And since I'm done having children...I really don't see an excuse to gain the weight back.
I am hoping to also become a runner by the end of this journey! I have to heal the sprained ankle before I can begin that one though. So here we goooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!